•   khushboo Makwana    156        

    The issue of spiritual health has become an important aspect of human life, because it provides answers to many questions related to health and happiness.   World Health Organization (WHO) defined   health as a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well being. Spiritual health, which brings perfection to body and mind, has been termed as the 4th dimension of the health. So, it can be said that we cannot ignore the spiritual health, if we want healthy and happy life.    Taking into consideration the importance of spiritual aspect of health, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies in Homeopathy (BCASH) arranged a seminar on November 22 in Dhaka to raise awareness about the spiritual health, including placing a demand for observing the spiritual health day. The seminar highlighted the importance of spiritual health, urging the authorities concerned to look into the proposal of observing spiritual health day in the country in our greater interest. The past centuries have been marked by unprecedented development in all spheres of life. This progress in the material world is showing inverse relationship with the health & happiness of the individuals such as the higher the material progress the higher the stress, anxiety and disappointment. Today stress, anxiety, loneliness as well as high levels of aspirations have become very common in our life. On the other hand, the discrimination between religion, cast and colour of human race causes civil war and political disaster.All over the world there is a constant search for cause of the present physical, mental, social disease & ill-health and its remedies. Spiritually has been identified globally as an important aspect for providing answers to many questions related to health & happiness. In more than one decade, there has been a scientific search to determine the relationships between spiritualism and intelligence. Empirical evidence is available to indicate a direct relation between religious and spiritual involvement and positive health outcomes. Positive values, attitudes, beliefs and strength that the individuals acquire through spiritual practices essentially contribute to their health & happiness. Spiritual practices have a positive co-relation with survival, low blood pressure, less remission time from depression, less number of cigarettes smoked per day/week, less serve medical illness, better quality of life, co-operation etc.



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