The recent social media video of Mumbai vendor adding toilet water in chutney at the Borivali Railway Station has once again raised a question mark on the hygiene levels of street food. Not only this, another person was also caught squeezing lemons in a dirty drum and stirring the mixture with his bare hands at Kurla Railway Station. According to a report, several street food stalls have been reprimanded, fined and penalised over the years for violating the hygiene rules laid by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). You will be surprised to know that the Hyderabad-based National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) has found that 97 per cent of the juice sold at street fruit juice stalls are contaminated with pathogens like Shigella, E-coli and faecal coliforms. If all this is enough to warn about the hygiene levels of street food, read this piece of information which talks about the hygiene guidelines issued by FSSAI that you should check at street juice shops before having a sip.